Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dad's Day/Trike-A-Thon

Hi All,
I wanted to let everyone know the details for this Thursday: Dad's/Special Person Day and Trike-A-Thon. The children are allowed to bring their bikes/trikes/scooters and their helmets. Please have their name on both. We have talked a lot about bike safety and wearing helmets so I am sure they will tell you what they need. We are scheduled for the event at 9:50am for the morning class and 12:20pm for the afternoon. While we understand that our guests may not be able to stay the entire class session we do hope you can join us at those times - it makes everything run smoother when there is extra help! There will be signs on the fence in the front of school with our room number. Please help your child park their bike here when you arrive at school and place their helmet on the handlebars. This will make our trek across the street to Kennedy Park a bit easier. We do understand that many of our Dad's will not be able to make it on Thursday so we have been talking with the children about other alternatives: Mom/Grandma/Grandpa/Aunts/Uncles/BabySitter.... Any "special" adult in your child's life is welcome. There will also be treats in Ms. Joan's office for our guests - if you are able to make something to share please feel free to do so. This is always a fun day for the children and we hope to make it special for our guests as well. Please let me know if there are any questions. Thank you for your constant support & for sharing your children with us!
Ms. Amy

PS - thank you for all the books donated from the Book Fair! It closes Friday at noon.

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